Annantalo, Helsinki's childrens' art house, will be filled with many amazing creative happenings on Sunday, March 5. Welcome and come make art with us! Click here for the schedule.
To translate is to communicate! In Transit creates a space for collaborative works that translate words, images, books, and building blocks in a playful way. Your thoughts, words, and actions are always on a journey as they connect and travel in and out of our lives. We will draw, make a collage, and build as we see how our interpretation make way for new artworks to be created. These artworks created, through the use of translation techniques, will offer perspectives on understanding others and expressing our inner worlds. Your contribution will make these pieces speak a thousand languages and reach many people. In translation, the journey continues!
The workshop is from 13:00-15:30 on March 5, 2017. (Suomeksi) Yhteisöllisessä työpajassa (yli 4 v) tehdään kirjoja ja rakennuspalikoita sekä leikitään merkityksillä. Jokainen tulkitsee sanoja ja asioita omalla tavallaan. Yhteisestä tekemisestä syntyy työpajan lopuksi installaatio. Tervetuloa tutustumaan asioiden ja sanojen moniin eri merkityksiin kuvataiteilija Arlene Tuckerin johdolla! Klo 13–15.30 Lisää tietoa paina tästä. |
AuthorsArlene Tucker and Heather Connelly are artists, researchers and art educators based in Helsinki, Finland and Nottingham, UK, respectively. Archives
March 2017